Theme of The Prophets, The Prophecies & Revelation The Increasing Evil of Unbelief Will Spread. More and More will Reject Belief in Jesus in Favor of an “Alternative.” The Kingdom’s of the Earth will Turn Against Israel and vow to attack and destroy her. Israel will suffer for a time due to their rejection of the true Messiah. The Anti-Christ will arise and become extremely powerful around the world, He will personify evil, as he will become possessed by Satan to go to war with God. In the meantime, Christ has come forward in the Spirit-Realm to release 21 Judgments of God upon the Earth in order to make people choose, once for all, Whom they will serve…God or the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ forces all who want to trade (or survive) with him to declare their loyalty to him with a permanent mark upon their foreheads or hands. The Anti-Christ goes to the Temple in Jerusalem and declares himself God, better known in Prophecy as “The Abomination That Makes Desolate.” The Judgements of God fall fast and furious upon him, (anti-Christ). The Armies of The World come together against Israel and Christ and His Army. The False Prophet, The Anti-Christ, and all the armies are defeated and put into the Lake of Fire. 1000 Year Reign of Christ with His people, ruling over the remnant of Satan’s followers, while Satan is locked in the Bottomless Pit. During this time it is possible human children will be born during this time. Satan is loosed for a short time, reclaiming his marked followers to stand against God, one final time. Satan, Death & Hell are cast into the Lake of Fire Heaven & Earth Are Redeemed & Restored New Jerusalem comes down to Earth from Heaven New Jerusalem becomes the Capitol City of the Universe, ruled over by Christ & God & The People of God. We go in and out of the City, and begin to fulfill God’s original plan in the Garden of Eden to be “fruitful & Multiply,” throughout the Earth and then the Universe. We are in Eternity. Happily Ever After.