Fighting For Christian Students
Vol. 7:–No: 18(May 8, 2016)
Philippians 4:13-“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Schools, it seems, are increasingly hostile to Christians and anything which sounds as if it might have a Christian overtone.
A California public school recently showed just what it means to discriminate against anyone who even slightly hints at being a Christian. A cheerleader for said public California school was barred from displaying a cross on a banner. The cheerleader was engaged in a school tradition of long standing: posting banners featuring the logos of local businesses sponsoring the team.
But the logo of a local doctor’s office contained a cross, and the school removed the banner, claiming some people were offended by it.
Stop and think—the logo did not constitute the school’s speech and the removal of it because of the religious symbol is discriminatory if other student groups are allowed to display similar banners with secular symbols.
For decades, all people in this country have enjoyed the right of free public speech, be it written or spoken. This free public speech is not limited or constrained by one’s religious belief, political agenda, or any other such entity.
After much debate and parental phone calls, the school reversed course and allowed the banner. This is simply an instance where the U.S. Constitution and students’ freedoms of speech, association, and religion were finally recognized and allowed to stand. These are liberties which our Founding Fathers fought for.