The Mind: The Power of Perspective and Perception
(Not only for ourselves, but those around us who become infected with our negativity).
we feel limited in understanding certain things about our lives,
own perspective
Now let’s say that she goes ahead and enters the cake into the contest and the three judges love it, awarding it a blue ribbon. The difference in what she was feeling and thinking becomes totally wrong…based upon a different PERSPECTIVE…those of the judges.
This small example teaches us how easily we can be ‘shut down’ mentally and emotionally by the ‘mind games,’ going on inside of our brains…when we are not employing the power of Perspective and Perception. It is important that we employ all ‘weapons’ or techniques, (given to us by God), to fight these devastating deceptions.
“The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, TO PERCEIVE the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion…a wise man will hear and increase learning, a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, to understand an enigma, the words of the wise and their riddles. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:1-7
to apprehend understanding through our senses and mind while stimulus is present.” The definition of perspective is: “Our mental view of a situation, (both internal and external). So Perspective is how we are viewing a circumstance…while perception works to give us an understanding of that circumstance. The problem with both perception and perspective is they both need ‘outside’ stimulus to be accurate…otherwise they are wide-open to misinterpretation and deception. This is where knowledge and wisdom come into play and why Biblical truth and established knowledge is so important to us keeping mental boundaries. Otherwise our Inner Critic will take over…filling our minds with false information, regarding our circumstances.
The Four Seasons of Life
CHILDHOOD: Childhood is the launching board from which our minds will take us to in the future. Our “Formative Years,” are a time when our minds are growing, (both physically and with knowledge), and when we are most susceptible to false narratives from our Inner Critic. (These criticisms can last a life-time). In short, our self-esteem is being formed in these years, and our self-esteem is what defines us to ourselves in relation to others.
In girls, the Formative Years are typically ages 3-11 years old, while in boys it is typically 3-13 years old. (This is why many boys seem immature to girls of their own age). It is during these important years that our minds are being sponges…soaking up all kinds of information…both good and bad. It is a time when ‘hurtful’ or ‘bullying’ words or actions can cause us to embrace extremely negative views about ourselves, effectively shutting down our true power and possibilities. It is also when we are our most active in imagination and ‘day-dreaming’ of what our life could be in the future…even if we have no concrete ideas how to get there.
This is also a period of life, when we begin to question our own mortality and try to find God in a deeper and more meaningful way, or in some cases, try to recapture our youth by re-evaluating our current life and deciding it’s not bringing us the happiness we had hoped. This is often referred to as a “mid-life crisis.”
As we struggle through various parts of our seasons, what doesn’t change is that we are seeing life from our own perspective and that perspective is often flawed, because it is only focused upon temporary outcomes. God however…has been an intimate piece of every moment of our life on Earth. He views us from the lens of eternity and desires to give us that vision of ourselves now. Imagine how minute the problems we are going through now would seem…if we could view our whole existence through the lens of eternity!
While we often hear that in Heaven there is no more sickness, pain, death, defeat, sadness, etc…it is also important to remember that “IN GOD’S EYES” (perspective) we have already entered into eternity the moment we can to believe in Christ.
This whole part of the teaching on the mind is for us to reflect upon our current perception of things by getting a different perspective. Imagine how our belief system might change if someone were able to give us a more accurate perspective of ourselves than the one we created for ourselves or the one that was created through our Inner Critic.